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Harry Hagborg f.1901

Kön: Man


Född1901-01-01 Meadows, MB, Canada
BosattStonewood, Stonewall, USA


Recalls that in 1912 summer family bought 25 HP International tractor that

pulled 5 breaker ploughs. Harry and brothers broke 100 acres on section

31-12-1W. In 1922 after helping to complete an early harvest at home, Harry

went with Tom Sinclair to Flaxcombe SK as a harvester. He spent a winter at a

Kenora paper mill as mill wright helper. Also worked 1 winter for Fort Rouge

Coal Co. Married in 1934. Then purchased farm from the Soldier Settlement Board

which had been occupied by John Smith family. This was in addition to 240 acres

bought previously from W. Herriot. Harry has been noted for his mechanical

inventiveness & holds a patent for a swath mower. Sold the farm in 1967 to son

Walter. Spoke only Swedish til age 6. Has amusing story about causing teacher

to faint when he was 7 and responsible for starting the morning fire in school

- cut himself & could see tendons, knuckles - Brandy was impressed! Also at

same age had to go 7 miles to Marquette for groceries by himself. Ended up

sleeping in a haystack overnight.

Skapad av Genney 2.0 Kontakt: Fredric Nilsson Sajten uppdaterades 20Februari 2018